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I am currently seeking a genuine friendship to bring light to my current situation. I love to laugh, learn, read, and cook. I put my all into everything I do. I am understanding, respectful, and loyal. I love animals, nature, and being free. I workout, meditate, and try not to stress or worry about things I can't change. I have goals and dreams that I will reach, no matter what.

I am willing to honestly answer any question you have for me. I love taking chances, and am an open minded individual who tries to see the good in everything ands everyone.

Notice: If you write Ebone via corrlinks.com email you must include your postal mailing address, or she will not be able to respond. She can receive emails but can only respond via postal mail.

Ebone Whitaker 1239824
Florence McClure Womens Correctional Center
4370 Smiley Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89115

Date of Birth: 12-23-1981
Height: 5'8"
Earliest Release Date: 2030
Maximum Release Date: 2033
Would you like letters from both sexes: Men
(This does not refer to sexual orientation) 
Education: GED
Occupation before prison: Gig worker
Activities in prison: Working in culinary, reading, exercising
Can you receive and send emails: Can receive via corrlinks.com
Please provide your mailing address so I can respond