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Ages 18-23 | 24-26 | 27-29 | 30-32 | 33-35 | 36-38 | 39-41 | 42-44 | 45-47 | 48-50 | 51+
Looking for a friend to get to know and make my time in more pleasant and fast.

I am originally from Texas, I love to travel and I love food of all kinds, which is why physical fitness is so important to me. I am also looking to improve my education, and want to pursue a college degree in business administration and one day run my own clothing line.

Don't be shy, say hi! and let's start chatting!

In order for me to receive emails from you through corrlinks.com, I have to first put you on my email contact list. Please write me a letter via postal mail, providing me with your email address and request that I do this.

No Longer Available

Date of Birth: 6/14/1985
Height: 5'8"
Education: High school
Earliest Release Date: 11/9/2026
Maximum Release Date: 11/9/2027
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes, both
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive and send Email: Yes, via corrlinks.com
Occupation before prison: Hostess
Activities in prison: Studying, working out
Anything else? Dancing when I can